surveymonkey teknolojide güçlükler ne demek?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experience using SurveyMonkey. However, here are some potential technical difficulties that SurveyMonkey users might encounter:

  1. Compatibility Issues: SurveyMonkey may not work properly with older browsers or operating systems which can cause technical issues.

  2. Connectivity Issues: Users may encounter difficulty taking or creating surveys if they have a poor internet connection.

  3. Survey Length Limitations: The platform may have limitations to the number of questions or amount of data that can be included in a survey, which can be frustrating for those looking to collect more detailed feedback.

  4. Integration Issues: Integrating SurveyMonkey with other tools or platforms can be challenging if the API documentation is inadequate or outdated.

  5. Security Issues: As with any online platform, SurveyMonkey may be vulnerable to security risks such as data breaches or hacking attempts, which can threaten user data privacy.